Book Review: Man of the Family by Ralph Moody (Family Read Aloud)

Man of the Family by Ralph Moody My rating: 5 of 5 stars Own. I’m so thankful that we have been reading this books with our young children.  There is sadness and struggle, yes.  The children have to process through that.  As the Moodys struggle, the children see how to struggle with dignity, ingenuity, and…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for November 4, 2013

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for November 4, 2013

FOR TODAY Outside my window…it’s dark and night. I am thinking… about going to sleep. It’s getting late. I am thankful… for quiet evenings at home. In the kitchen…M-girl is planning to learn to make crockpot lasagna tomorrow. I am wearing…jeans, blue shirt, blue hooded sweater. I am creating…ideas in my head for Christmas ornaments….

Wordy Wednesday: Leisured and Luxurious Illusion

Wordy Wednesday: Leisured and Luxurious Illusion

Still reading Murder Must Advertise.  This time Sayers takes on advertisers, a commercial culture, and shoppers. The very work that engaged [Lord Peter] –or rather, the shadowy simulacrum of himself that signed itself on every morning in the name of Death Bredon– wafted him into a sphere of dim platonic archetypes, bearing a scarcely recognizable…