Wordy Wednesday: Distinguishing the Accidental from the Essential

Wordy Wednesday: Distinguishing the Accidental from the Essential

Two realizations by characters from Perelandra, and a summing up. First, Ransom realizes that the patterns are there even when we can’t see them. All in a moment of time he perceived that what was, to human philologists, a mere accidental resemblance of two sounds, was in truth no accident. The whole distinction between things…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for January 27, 2014

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for January 27, 2014

FOR TODAY Outside my window… the sun is starting to light the clouds aglow. Praising God… for a warm, dry home. I am thinking… starting our school day. I am thankful… for safety yesterday driving to church, my parents’ home, and our home.  In the kitchen… sweet potato sausage hash was a delicious breakfast.  Hoping…

GoodReads with Kids

I love GoodReads.  There are so many ways to use it! I, mostly, use it to track my current reading and write reviews.  You can catalog your library. You can keep your TBR list.  It can be used very socially …. I do like seeing what others are reading.  You can win free books (I…