Wordy Wednesday: The Horror of Holiness
I’m reading C.S. Lewis’ Till We Have Faces. More slowly than it deserves, because it is very good and engrossing when I get going. It sat on my headboard for more than a year; I was quite scared of it. I’m finding it very, very readable though. Two short, yet loaded quotes I’ve been considering…
Book Review: Homeless Bird by Gloria Whelan
Homeless Bird by Gloria Whelan My rating: 5 of 5 stars Library. This was one of the only narratives set in India that I could find for my 9 year old reader. I wanted to pre-read it because it was shelved in the YA section at the library (Yikes! She can’t be that old!! I’m…

Wordy Wednesday: Open Hearth Glowing
I enjoyed reading That Hideous Strength. The evil was really evil: The NICE was the first-fruits of that constructive fusion between the state and the laboratory on which so many thoughtful people base their hopes of a better world. It was to be free from almost all the tiresome restraints—“red tape” was the word its…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for March 10, 2014
FOR TODAY Outside my window…it’s dark. Maybe a bit warmer, though. Praising God…for a fun trip to the zoo with my children. I am thinking… about books on India. Do you have any suggestions for narratives set in India for a strong 9 year old reader who is interested in the country because of…
Book Review: That Hideous Strength by C.S. Lewis
That Hideous Strength by C.S. Lewis My rating: 4 of 5 stars I read this on Kindle. I really enjoyed this book. There was so much that Lewis had to say and show. The evil was really evil, and the layers were peeled back slowly, slowly to the final climax. The evil is so evil…

Weekly Report: March 3-7, 2014
It feels like I just did this. Oh, I did! Sadly, this week was not as good as last week. It was still pretty good, though, in the grand scheme of things. The issue was more the way things done rather than getting them done … because they were generally accomplished. This was one of…

Wordy Wednesday: Encounter Him
I’ve been reading The Quiet Place: Daily Devotional Readings by Nancy Leigh DeMoss most days this year. I was able to put it on my Kindle for free last October. It has been an encouraging devotional – and one that I’ve actually stayed with for the year. (I’ve missed a few days, I usually read…