31 Days to Surviving Sports Seasons Sanely: White Beans and Greens

31 Days to Surviving Sports Seasons Sanely: White Beans and Greens

I love this meal. It’s cheap, easy, tasty, and nutritious. All wins. As long as your family likes beans. Mine does. I essentially make it as written by Lucinda Scala Quinn: Tuscan Beans and Greens.  Sometimes I add some carrots and celery just for the veggies, but they really aren’t necessary. And I put it…

31 Days to Surviving Sports Seasons Sanely: Pork, Sauerkraut, and Potatoes

31 Days to Surviving Sports Seasons Sanely: Pork, Sauerkraut, and Potatoes

I love this meal and it is super easy.   Drain and lightly rinse purchased sauerkraut.  I like to add caraway or fennel seeds, but only do so occasionally because my children like sauerkraut but don’t love the seeds. If you don’t like sauerkraut, rinse well. Add some thinly sliced apples and the fennel seeds….

31 Days to Surviving Sports Seasons Sanely: Sports and Neighborliness

31 Days to Surviving Sports Seasons Sanely: Sports and Neighborliness

We’ve found sports essential to being a part of our community.   As homeschoolers and members of a church that is 30 minutes away from town, sports have been our entre’ into the community.  We’ve made friends with several families from various teams. We have had the opportunity to interact with people from different demographics…

31 Days to Surviving Sports Seasons Sanely: Hot and Sunny Days

31 Days to Surviving Sports Seasons Sanely: Hot and Sunny Days

Cold days are not the only ones difficult on your athletes and spectators.  Hot and sunny days can be just as taxing. There are some tricks to avoiding overheated players.  Fill water bottles with ice before adding water. Some kinds of water bottle can be half filled and frozen overnight.  I’ve seen families who bring…

31 Days to Surviving Sports Seasons Sanely: Freezing Cold Days

31 Days to Surviving Sports Seasons Sanely: Freezing Cold Days

As I mentioned yesterday, fall games are often warmer longer than during the spring which generally warms only at the end of the season (but days can be hotter in spring). Sometimes even a winter coat can use some extra insulation; a blanket (I mentioned that way back when I was writing about Car Loading)…

31 Days to Surviving Sports Seasons Sanely: Rainy Days

31 Days to Surviving Sports Seasons Sanely: Rainy Days

As long as there is no thunder or lightning, soccer happens.  Oh, if the fields are too wet, sometime they’ll be closed, but generally we play in the rain. Our baseball league cancels for rain because they need to protect the diamonds. Basketball cancels if the roads are impassable from snow, but generally has no…