Podcast Addicted: A Delectable Education

Podcast Addicted: A Delectable Education

The ladies from Living Books Library, Sabbath Mood Homeschool, and the writer of SCM’s (awesome) Picture Study Portfolios are producing a Charlotte Mason podcast called “A Delectable Education.” And it’s delectable. They discuss one aspect of CM philosophy each episode and try to adhere to a “short lesson” format. I’ve listened to not quite half…

Podcast Addicted: The Mason Jar / CiRCE Podcast Network

Podcast Addicted: The Mason Jar / CiRCE Podcast Network

I have long considered Cindy Rollins one of my Homeschooling Mentors. Her now defunct blog, Ordo Amoris, was pivotal to drawing me away from neo-classicism and into a more traditional Classical educational system via Charlotte Mason. Her book clubs (though I failed to finish a single one with the group) led to some of the…

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for March 7, 2016

The Simple Woman’s Daybook for March 7, 2016

For Today… Outside my window…. It’s 50* and overcast. The children think it’s summer and are doing school on the deck. I am thinking… about Truth, Goodness, and Beauty from lots of different reading sources 🙂 I am thankful… that blood transports all the necessary building blocks for our bodies to the right places at…