Podcast Addicted: A Delectable Education
The ladies from Living Books Library, Sabbath Mood Homeschool, and the writer of SCM’s (awesome) Picture Study Portfolios are producing a Charlotte Mason podcast called “A Delectable Education.” And it’s delectable. They discuss one aspect of CM philosophy each episode and try to adhere to a “short lesson” format. I’ve listened to not quite half…
Wednesdays with Words: Height and Breadth and Depth
Sometimes the best quote of the week is someone else’s quote from a book you haven’t – but ought to – read. I’ve been thinking a lot recently about generalization and specialization and about integrated knowledged and about humanity. This hit all the wheelhouses. ‘);
Podcast Addicted: The Mason Jar / CiRCE Podcast Network
I have long considered Cindy Rollins one of my Homeschooling Mentors. Her now defunct blog, Ordo Amoris, was pivotal to drawing me away from neo-classicism and into a more traditional Classical educational system via Charlotte Mason. Her book clubs (though I failed to finish a single one with the group) led to some of the…
The Simple Woman’s Daybook for March 7, 2016
For Today… Outside my window…. It’s 50* and overcast. The children think it’s summer and are doing school on the deck. I am thinking… about Truth, Goodness, and Beauty from lots of different reading sources 🙂 I am thankful… that blood transports all the necessary building blocks for our bodies to the right places at…
Wednesdays with Words: Kingdom of Glory and Grace
Another quote taken from When You Pray. This one isn’t from Ryken, himself, but quoted by him. I loved the picture the Puritan theologian Thomas Watson made. When we pray for God’s Kingdom to come, we pray for a present, yet future reality. ‘);
Podcast Addicted: The Scholé Sisters Podcast
I doubt it will come as a surprise that The ScholĂ© Sisters Podcast is next on my list. This is a brand new podcast, just starting in January with only a handful of episodes so far. But what episodes they are! I love how conversational on really deep topics these are. The ScholĂ© Sisters (Brandy, Mystie,…