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Well, the Mute Trubadour posted his Myers-Briggs Personality Type: INTJ. Mine is E or I NFP. I pretty much split right down the middle of the Extrovert and Introvert qualifications. What is interesting is Human Resource Professionial is a career option for both. If you don’t know your type there is a basic test on…

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OK, I’m losing my mind trying to fix my permalinks. I thought they were fixed, but they aren’t. When I hover over the word “link” in the posted by line with my mouse, I see the permalink with a blog # in the status bar at the bottom of my browser. However, when I click…

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I have rarely gotten the opportunity to see The West Wing because we have Bible Study on Wednesdays. Despite the Democratic/Liberal leanings of the “Bartlett Administration,” when I have seen the show, I’ve kind of enjoyed it. I wanted to see last night’s Isaac and Ishmael episode to see how they’d handle the situation. When…

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Oh, dear. Columbus’ Classic radio station is also having their pledge drive this week. And I think the NPR radio station is next week. I’m feeling old. I just noticed that the only non-listener supported station I listen to on a regular basis for longer than a song or two is the Sports Talk station….

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I’ve added an Ohio blogger: Mute Trubadour. We have discovered that we know some of the same people through The Emmaus Community. Emmaus is a 72 hour spiritual retreat that is sponsored through the Upper Room division of the United Methodist Church. Anyway, Doug wrote some thoughts about Brandon’s comments on Christ Church.

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What a great day! I was a bit annoyed at first when I realized that two of the Christian radio stations in Columbus were both doing their pledge drives (Radio-U and WCVO) this week. But as I was driving home, I was listening to WCVO and my friend Tate is back in Columbus – he…

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I doubt you remember that way back on August 20 I was lamenting the loss of my “Operation: Livecrime” CD to some thief. When getting links for the previous story, I found they have reissued it and I immediately ordered a copy. I am so excited!

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On our cable system, Channel 24 seems to be a sort of “test channel.” We get “Style,” “The Game-Show Network,” and “Music Choice” (and maybe another channel or two) in un-knowable cycles. Last night as I was flipping channels Music Choice was on and was showing a program about Queensrÿche and their new album. I…