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Note to self: Susan Branch.
Note to self: Susan Branch.
Islamreview.com looks like a good resource for Christians who want to know more about Islam. The writers are former Muslims who have become Christians. And a second site that seeks to reach out to Muslims: Good News for the Crescent World. I wouldn’t mind if they would add a bit of information about who they…
Lots of people have been posting pics of carved pumpkins, but Ewwwwww.
Wow, this blog is named after a character in my favorite Bugs Bunny cartoon. “Such an interesting monstah needs an interesting hairdo.”
Hmmm. As we’re looking for possible vacation spots, the House of Refuge sounds nice.
I, too, have joined the blogback revolution as I lost all of my reblogger discussions within the past couple of days. [Ed Note] Arrrgggggggghhhhh! I don’t know I’m going to like this any better. I keep getting safe mode errors. I tried to customize the colors and couldn’t. It doesn’t seem to work all the…
What a great concept. Rather than shutting elderly people out of the community, bring them into a community with young children, young professionals, and single (mostly college students). The students and children learn respect for the elderly who are cared for as family not as an occupant. The Salmon House encourages interaction between all of…
Here in Columbus, The Thurber House is hosting a series of talks about cartooning.
I added a link to my friend Gubby. He’s a little strange (his diary “Gubrok” is about the growth of his dreadlocks), but a good guy. And I’ve known him since he was 10.
Please note that I changed the poll question. You should participate! It makes me happy 🙂 Also, on this poll, you can tell us what “other” is if you don’t use one I’ve listed. Anyway, on the last poll 18 of you voted and the results are: Which Translation do you use? NIV 8 votes…