Untitled Post
Ahhhh … homework. It has been so long since I had it, but I seem to still have the knack of avoiding it …
Ahhhh … homework. It has been so long since I had it, but I seem to still have the knack of avoiding it …
Joseph noted that I hadn’t posted in a while. That’s because I have been too busy being absolutely stunned by Edith Schaeffer’s The Hidden Art of Homemaking. What a blessing. At first, it wasn’t what I was expecting, because it was about using artistic talent, of which I’m certain I have little. But, I got…
Well, well, well. It seems Jonathan Webster has finally caved into the blog world. Welcome!
I thought I’d share with you all part of my beautiful office. I keep office better than I keep house … so here you go! The great big printer is really nice to have near me. The white board is almost never used, same with the inbox. The little picture is from a friend at…
I did some housekeeping with my links, took away some blogs, added some others (indicated with *). I think I actually ended up with more links than I had before. [shrug] Oh, well. Anyway, one I wanted to mention specifically – because it isn’t really like any of the others – is The Red Kitchen….
Happy Birthday to Me! People kept asking me how old I was today, and when I said 29 they asked for the how many’th time. The first! Really, I’m 29 for the first time!
I am being so blessed by our Women’s Bible study. We’re studying 2nd Timothy and learning about God and His grace to us. I’ll post more some other time, but one of the things we talked about was that where Paul says “You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ…
Overheard as I was leaving work: “Stress is the difference between expectations and reality.”
Did you know that Minneapolis, MN and Columbus, OH have the #1 and 2 (respectively) populations of Somali immigrants in the US? And that the population is so high in Columbus because we have jobs and a strong church network to help foster families moving here? (I didn’t know this) Also, did you know that…
I have the coolest in-laws ever (and I’m not just saying that because they read my blog!) My mother-in-law, because she does read ladydusk, had a whole stack of books waiting for me when we arrived today, and as we were talking, she lent me several more. We also talked some about Veritas Press and…