Untitled Post
Yay! I made my first post as one of the new cooks at The Red Kitchen.
Yay! I made my first post as one of the new cooks at The Red Kitchen.
Every time I hear her, Condoleeza Rice impresses me greatly. She obviously chooses her words with care, like she is educating the reporter or audience about what she has to say.
Jason posted about some good news in the PC(USA) the other day – the defeat of Ammendment A which would take “fidelity within the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman or chastity in singleness.” out of the requirements of their Book of Order. However, I see today that the Confessing Church Movement…
Looks like Doug caused my counter to go to 8,000. Who woulda thunk it? Thanks, everybody!
Oh, yeah. It’s Rick’s 22nd birthday. Happy Birthday!
I feel kinda old recently: I’ve been listening to Focus on the Family. FotF is on the radio from 6-6:30 which is when I’m getting up and getting ready for work. This week they’ve had Josh Harris – you know “I Kissed Dating Goodbye” – on. They have a web based interview with Josh because…
Well, we lost the basketball game and the hockey game. Tough night in Columbus for sports fans.
I added some more links including the previously elusive wyclif’s new blog. I need to stop adding links. I seem to keep surfing places, yet don’t have anything interesting to post. We’re going to the Columbus Blue Jackets game tonight. Should be a lot of fun!
Former Ohio State shooting guard, Michael Redd hit eight 3-point shots in the fourth quarter. That’s amazing: an NBA record. I’m not a fan of pro-basketball, but it’s always good to see a Buckeye do good.
Wyclif.net has said “testing” for about a week now. Could it be that his blog will appear shortly?