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P. Andrew Sandlin: Christ’s death on the cross and resurrection from the tomb secures men’s salvation, and you can be sure that our God is sovereign in man’s salvation, just as he is sovereign in every other aspect of the universe. This is a leading tenet of the Calvinistic believe in the sovereignty of God….

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Another personality test: The Enneagram Test. Here are my results: Your highest score will indicate you basic type, or it will be among the top 2-3 scores. Low scores in some type might come out negative. That’s perfectly normal. For best results, you should answer all the questions that apply. Type 1 Type 2 Type…

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Julie has had a couple of really good links recently, that I thought I’d, er, um, borrow. First, and this is just too cool, a new keyboard. The second she got from FoxNews.com and has also been mentioned on NRO. The new blog is “Campus Nonsense” and is dedicated to Exposing Left-Wing Lunacy. Jason don’t…

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I heard something about Seder meals on the radio this morning, read about them on Scott’s blog, then my sister emailled me telling me she was going to one with a family at her church this evening. This is what I emailled her back. I’m not certain about all of this, nor have I studied…

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Wow. The US Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision today about a Federal Law that reads thusly: With drug dealers “increasingly imposing a reign of terror on public and other federally assisted low-income housing tenants,” Congress passed the Anti–Drug Abuse Act of 1988.§5122,102 Stat.4301,42 U.S.C.§11901(3) (1994 ed.).The Act,as later amended,provides that each “public housing agency…

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Jason rented The Mexican for us on Saturday. I was a little less than enthused about his choice as I had heard not-so-great reviews of the movie and he usually goes for gritty-dark-True Romance-type movies, which I generally don’t care for. I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. It was quirky, fun, with just enough…

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I’m almost embarrassed to admit this, but I’m really enjoying Terry Gross’ interview with Barry Manilow. Growing up, my parents had the blue Barry Manilow LIVE double album and I played it over and over and over. They’re playing bits and pieces of his songs and I still remember all the words. I had no…

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Two funny things from today: We had dinner with Jim tonight on his way home from NC. I told my boss around 2:30 that I needed to scoot a few minutes early because we were having dinner with a friend from the net. On my way out, I told him that I was heading home,…