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Oh my soul, tune your harp to a glad song of thanksgiving! Go to sleep rejoicing. You are not a desolate wanderer. You are a beloved child, watched over, cared for, supplied, and defended by the Lord. – Charles Spurgeon, Morning and Evening for April 29.

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Late last night (well, early this morning), I finished Pride and Prejudice. I can now understand why such a work has such high regard. The language usage was lovely, the story was enjoyable, the themes of pride and forgiveness were well woven through the tale. Only a couple of times did Austen break out of…

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Cheryl recently blogged about FlyLady.net. It looks as though they have a lot of good ideas on keeping housekeeping behind you instead of racing off ahead of you like mine usually does. I’ve already adapted my Franklin Planner (I love and abuse my planner at work, now I’ll be able to do so at home!)…

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I spent a wonderful weekend with my sister. She’s really my step-sister, but we’ve been family longer than we haven’t. She lives in southeastern Ohio. Her house and property are atop a forested hill outside Laurelville, Ohio (This B&B is down the hill from my sister’s house, the proprieters actually own/pay for part of her…

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Jason and I attended a wine tasting on Tuesday at The Yard Club at O’Toole’s. The wines we tried were all European and brought in by Frederick Wildman and Sons, Ltd. We drank the J.J. Vincent St. Veran, “Domaine de Morats” with the appetizer course. This white was easy to drink with very light flavors….

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It’s all Jim Hart’s fault. Well, maybe a bit of Julie’s as well. The only reason I even watched Gilmore Girls one time was because of them. Now I’m hooked. I stayed up way too late last night watching. Now I have to get up early and I’m tired. I’m pretty excited though, because I’m…

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The couple sitting next to us at last night’s wine tasting recommended Johnson’s The World Atlas of Wine. We had a nice time. The food was spectacular. I tried new things: a spinach, artichoke, mushroom melted with cheese thing which I actually liked; I tried a greek olive, which I still didn’t like; and shrimp…