Untitled Post
Evidently the rotating Bible Verse is no longer available as Bible.net and Salvation.com are both available – $25,000 for former and $5,000 for the latter.
Evidently the rotating Bible Verse is no longer available as Bible.net and Salvation.com are both available – $25,000 for former and $5,000 for the latter.
I’ve been reading a lot recently, so I didn’t feel so bad last night when I let myself watch the Friends and er season finales. “OK” is not an acceptable response to a proposal of marriage. Especially when you’re in love with someone else. And now we know why Joey had feelings for Rachel this…
Hey, Doug, here’s another Methodist blogger: Connexion.
The Westminster Shorter Catechism
Two blogs I haven’t had time to add: He Lives Thinking Out Loud There are many others. I really need to update my links.
Last week was a busy week. I finished Northanger Abbey and loved it. It was delightfully light and satirical. It pitted elegant, genuine friendship against self-serving friendship. It was delightful in encouraging reading as a pastime. The Amazon review says that it “skewered” the popular novels of its time, but I felt rather differently: the…
A Homeschool blog with several things I want to read later. [link via NRO Corner – whose participants need to learn to use permalinks!]
Scott asked which book of the Adams’ I was reading and since links don’t work so well in his comments, I’m reading The Book of Abigail and John. It is selected letters from 1762-1784 and starts off somewhat sillily, but I believe the letters become more serious as their relationship grows. I should keep reading…
Seems as though hats can now be chased. Or not – sorry ’bout that!
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