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I’m getting all sorts of hits for a several years old post on the Christmas song “Fum, Fum, Fum” which is not a favorite of mine, but hey, hits is hits when I’m not posting often 🙂 Meg is doing great: more than 13 lbs already and sleeping pretty well at night. I’m not really…

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Still no baby. Had an appointment this morning. The non-stress test was still good. The ultrasound looked fine (and guesses an 8 lb 5 oz baby). But, they’ve scheduled labor induction for Wednesday if the baby isn’t here by then. I really, really don’t want to have labor induced (it is much more restrictive on…

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No, the OSU loss to Northwestern, of all teams, didn’t make me go into labor. Don’t feel badly about asking about the baby. It hasn’t gotten tiresome 🙂 I appreciate your concern and prayers. The ladies at church are all freaking out that I’m late and telling me how much they would’ve/have hated being late….