31 Days to Surviving Sports Seasons Sanely: Laundry

Logistically, this is the biggest nightmare. 9 events over 6 days and rest on Sunday. When does the laundry happen?

All dirty sports clothing is put in one laundry basket in the laundry. This hamper is for sports clothing only. On Thursday and Saturday after the final game or practice, everything in that hamper will be washed and dried and restocked into the clean bin. If we had earlier in the week events, I’d do laundry on Wednesday and Friday.
Keeping up with the rest of the laundry is always a trick. Here’s my plan (for now) Bedding on Monday; Towels on Tuesday; Wednesday Adult Clothing; Thursday Children Clothing; Catch up on Friday.
It's amazing how much a laundry plan does help! Laundry is one of those household necessities. 🙂
Laundry is directly caused by the fall. I'm convinced. (Yet thankful for the clothes all the same)